Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wives Club Homework

Once again, readers, we have a list that is far from complete.  Feel free to make your additions and corrections to this list in your "comments" below.  Try these out.




The Not-So-Common Sense Rules for Marriage


When you give something, Release it.

When you are given something, Accept it.

When you open something, Close it.

When you dirty something, Clean it.

When you make a mistake, Admit it

When you drop something, Pick it up.

When you hurt someone, Apologize

When someone hurts you, Forgive them

When you break something, Admit itl

When you have something special, Share it.

Remember the Magic Words:

 Please, Thank you, and I’m Sorry

Remember the Golden Rule:

  Do For Your Spouse What You Wish He Would Do For You.

Do all of this as unto our Lord, Jesus Christ

Start Now!


Friday, February 9, 2007


Under Authority


“If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love.” (John 15:10 (NIV)


I admit it!  I hate being told what to do.  I don’t like to obey rules that I think are wrong, or inconvenient.  I often think my ideas are better than those of the leaders over me.  Some of you may feel the same way.  Yet, as Christian women we are under authority.  That means that we are submitted to God and to those God has placed over us.  That includes civil authorities we think are incompetent, foolish, or even wicked, church leaders, and supervisors and bosses.  We wives are subject to our husbands even when we think they are not making the best decisions. 


Many have been distressed to hear of local rulings governing religious practices that seem intended to hinder our expressions of Christianity.  This is upsetting but we cannot consider our concerns for too long.  Nothing pleases the enemy of our souls more than to get us thinking about your comfort, our security, our peace of mind, and our rights. It takes our eyes off the ball.  Nowhere in scripture are we instructed to concern ourselves about our circumstances in this world, obsessed with protecting ourselves from harm, or fearing the persecutions to come.  We differ from the world because we believe in the supernatural powers of God.  That means that we obey God and let God take care of us.  It is the very fact that this doesn’t make sense that keeps us trusting, obeying and believing. 


The thing is that our primary task on earth as Christians is to become more like Christ.  God is completely in charge of the curriculum that shapes us.  Whatever it takes to make us more like Christ, the Father will allow, even require.  Christ assured us that he does nothing that is not commanded by the Father.  This is what it means to be under authority.  In military service, where authority is fully understood, one stands where he is told, walks where he is told, and does what he is told, despite the hardship or danger involved.  This makes no sense, and yet this is the source of the power of the military. 


We cannot allow the world’s wickedness or our feelings to determine our actions. Our obedience is required.



During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” Hebrews 5:7-9 (NIV)

Thursday, February 8, 2007


True Love: A Real Valentine


A couples group was asked to read several versions of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.  The versions used were NIV, KJ, NKJ, AMPL, TLB, New English, and The Message.  The group was asked to list what a true lover will do and what a true lover will not do.  When the project was completed couples were asked to insert their loved one’s name and read it to their partner.  This is their finished product.


Because I love you, ________ will never give up on you.  I will not envy you or become jealous of you.  I will not boast about what I have done for you.  I will not be proud or haughty.  I will not try to draw attention to myself at your expense.  I will not be conceited, arrogant, prideful, or rude. It will not always be “Me, first”.  I will not insist on my rights or on having my own way.  I will not be self-seeking.  I will not be touchy, resentful, or fretful.  I will not recount evil you have committed against me. I will not hold grudges or keep track of the wrongs I have suffered.  I will not become easily angered or frustrated. I will not want more from you than you can give.  I will not force my wishes upon you.


Because I love you, _______ I will be patient with you and kind to you.  I will rejoice in the truth about you.  I will protect you and trust you.  I will always be hopeful about you and my hope will endure under all circumstances.  I will persevere.  I will endure and bear up under anything and everything that comes our way without weakening.  I will ever be ready to believe the best about you.  You can trust me.  I will always want what is best for you.  My love will never fade or become obsolete.  My love for you will never end.


How about sending (or reading) this to your loved one onValentines Day?