On November 23, 2015, the International Day of the Bible, it was recommended that we read the Bible and share what we read. Now that my internet has been restored I would like to share what I read.
Indeed, all who desire to live a
godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors
will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. - 2 Timothy 3:12-13
So, this is a job description. And yet I wonder how many would apply for this job, how many would qualify? Is this really what is being asked of us who desire to serve. In today's national climate we can see how far we are from fitting the bill for this job. It goes against our natural impulses to do what Paul asks. Without help it is just too hard.
1. Don't quarrel 2. Be kind (to everyone?) 3. Be able to teach (the truth) 4. Patiently endure the evil of others 5. Correct opponents gently 6. Allow God to decide the fate of others 7. Endure persecution as part of your divine assignment, not wishing to enjoy the comfort of the wicked because they are headed for destruction.
It really helps to remember what God intended from the beginning. These remarkable passages are intended to guide our thoughts, actions and attitudes today, right now, in the mean, ugly environment we wake up to everyday. Accept that what you think on any given subject may be wrong, based on God's job description. Each day we have to decide if we can do the job we signed on for without being tainted by the self-protection and self-gratification that tempts us as we see our rights challenged by the enemies of God and his Word. We must keep this list close by so that we proceed only as He intended.