The Pleasures and Perils of Teaching
“It’s a very ancient saying, but a true and honest thought, that if you become a teacher, by your pupils you’ll be taught.” (The King and I)
“Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” (James 3:1 NIV)
When I prepare to teach I know that a test is coming on my own life. God will not allow me to teach stale material, lacking fresh humility. As I listened to my class last night, I became aware of my own sins in the area of rudeness and disrespect to my husband. He has recently begun to work from home and I have found his intrusion into my life unsettling. He has the habit of surrounding himself with sound. As he moves from room to room the noise goes with him, one TV after another, a discordant stereophonic symphony. It is not the sounds of mindless music, or even recycled sitcoms, that surround him. It is endless "the-sky-is-falling" political commentary spoken with urgency out of dark-suited talking heads, experts of every ilk and inclination, beginning every sentence with “I think”.
I chose to allow this atmosphere of surround-sound soup to be my excuse for being terse, rude, and unkind to my husband, assuming that he would somehow know how disturbing his habit was to me. Then, I taught my Wives class. As I prayed my way home last night, I knew that God was not pleased. I repented and waited for the “God” moment. Feeling the release, that sense of peace that God had heard my cries, I waited until this morning and asked my husband if we could talk. God had prepared the way, and my husband listened patiently as I asked his forgiveness and explained my situation. (He even put off a business call so that I could finish!) He promised to more carefully observe my “Monday’s Off” rule (our weekends are grueling). He also agreed that I could work in my office space in the bedroom and he would use his laptop in the back room recently vacated by my mother-in-law. We can close two doors between us.
Not all issues are that easy to resolve, but we will all answer for our behavior, now, and at the time of judgment. Circumstances are not an excuse. How easy it is to hide our sins behind them. It is like a child covering his eyes with his hands and believing no one can see him.
1 comment:
This was very helpful for my marriage. I enjoy the reading and thought it was quite clear and made me chuckle a few times. It was very easy to understand and very clear on its objective. I enjoyed it very much.
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