How does God speak to you about you?
Sometimes, when God wants to get your attention about a spot or wrinkle in your character, He will place you in what I have come to call the "hot spot". He will reveal something to you about yourself that He wants to change. Usually you have opened that door to him by asking a question about it in your quiet time with him. He hears your heart and His response is to surround you with subtle answers about this area of sin. You find it cropping up everywhere - in conversations with others, in sermons, devotionals, bible studies, even music. It is not a comfortable place to be but you don't usually have to stay there very long. This “hot spot” indicates that God is about to perform radical surgery.
Several times in my life I have found myself under this kind of spotlight. What usually works for me, once I identify the problem, is to cry out to God that I don't want to have this flaw anymore. I refuse to protect or defend it and I give up all rights to keep it. No more "That's the way I am" justifications. This is sin as ugly as sin gets and I will not tolerate it in my life. The Holy Spirit loves it when we lay our lives open for him to remove forever the habits that offend him and others.
I pray that, as a wife and mother, you will act quickly to confess your sin (disrespect, impatience, moods, etc.), then see how fast and clean the surgery is. Be sure you are ready to be radically changed. Being in the Hot Spot is only for the brave and committed. God takes us there when we are no longer satisfied with sin.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9NIV