How Do Christian Parents Miss the Mark?
A goal, a target, a mark. Words we use to define a predetermined point we are trying to reach. Many of us live our lives with a goal or target in mind. What does this mean in Christian parenting? In child-rearing, as daily concerns and crises drag on our immediate attention, it is easy to lose sight of parenting’s ultimate goal. That goal is to build Christlikeness into our children so that they can. “. . . live lives worthy of God who calls us to his kingdom in glory.” (I Thessalonians 2:11 NIV)
How do parents miss the mark? Here is a scene repeated millions of times across the country each day: A child sitting in a super market cart drones on and on, “Dad, Dad, Dad. . ., DADDY!” His father is distracted, looking at his list, looking at items on the shelf, comparing prices. The boy reaches out and drags a jar off the shelf, nearly dropping it to the floor. His father snaps to attention, catches the jar and begins to scold his son: “DON’T DO THAT! You know better. How many times have I told you not to touch things in the store?”
What is this man’s goal? To have a well behaved child. However, he has just taught his son that the best way to get his father’s attention is to misbehave. This is a lesson the boy will now have to unlearn.
So, we see the importance of parenting toward the goal. Think of it as a labor-saving device.
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