He Watches
Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.” Psalm 127:1(NIV)
I cringe when I learn of the wounds inflicted on woman by various religious cults and doctrines. Many of us have been born into these false structures and innocently bear the pain of the consequences of flawed teachings. We have watched our loved ones being devoured by the lies of ravening wolves. And, the vain philosophies of the world have served us no better.
Even after we learn the truth, it is not easy to accept it and to fully submit our lives to Christ. The horrors of the past and fear of future exploitation cause us to view with skepticism the very truth of the scriptures which can free us.
And yet we cannot protect ourselves. While we are looking to the right satan attacks from the left. Our self-fashioned defenses and weapons (we all have them) are used against us to our destruction, for the Word says: “Unless the LORD builds thehouse, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.” Psalm 127:1(NIV)
When we committed to be married we committed to doing it God’s way. Though we are often consumed with fear, though we see the carnage of destroyed and destructive marriages all around us, we must choose God’s way. We must submit to his providence and protection as we trust in his Word. No other way will do.
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