Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Adjust Your Own Mask First.

I sat on the tarmac as the plane began its taxi and the flight attendants began their balancing act between two overhead compartments demonstrating the safety features.  Having heard these messages many of times, I cannot say I was fully attentive.  Then the voice came to the part about the oxygen mask.  I  began to think about the necessity for such an admonition: “If you are traveling with a child or someone in need of your assistance, please adjust your own mask first.”
For one thing, I decided, the instructions were counter-intuitive.  Most people with someone depending on them would naturally care for that person first.  That instinct would, in some circumstances, be disastrous. The care-giver could quickly be rendered unable to care for his charge, or himself.  Another reason for these specific instructions is that those responsible for the safety of all need to minimize the number of people needing direct assistance.  If the care-giver responds as instructed neither of them will require emergency assistance from the crew.
We women as wives and mothers, in our job as “caregiver” may be tempted to rush to assist others before we have adjusted our own masks.  When we rush in without the counsel of the lord we can easily be overcome by the intensity of the resistance to our efforts.  It may seem that those entrusted to us would expect sacrificial service, but they are actually counting on us to survive.  When we take the time to take care of ourselves we are preparing to meet their needs.  Prayer and meditation are a major part of that preparation.  When we allow ourselves to be filled with the word and attend to the instructions of the Holy Spirit, we are ready for the challenges ahead.

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