Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Matter of Style

My husband is working faithfully and diligently on a matter that affects our entire family.  He has taken on full responsibility for the project which has required him to make several trips out of town on the spur of the moment   As I observe him I am aware that my “critical spirit” is evaluating everything  he does.  He is not doing it the way I would do it.  I can hear my negative commentary in my ears.  Can he hear it, too?  I’m sure he knows me well enough to know that I am not in agreement with him.

Since I recently revoked my right to be negative (read:judgmental) I decided to confront myself:  1) he has not asked for my help;  2) he has not asked me to do anything that I find objectionable;  3) he is going forward whether I approve or not; 4) he is taking responsibility for what he does;  5) he is committed to seeing it through to the conclusion, no matter what happens  6) there is nothing to be gained from my negative attitude;  7) this is really a matter of style.

Just as I completed my list he walked into the room, said something to me about his progress, and turned to leave.  “Honey,” I ventured, “Thank you for working so hard to take care of our family.  I appreciate how much you care about all of us.”  As he walked toward me his eyes reddened with tears. “You’re welcome, Sweetie,” he said, smiling a smile of relief as he kissed me.

It was worth it to give up being “right” and lend him my support. After all, in the end, it is only a matter of style. 



Unknown said...

Beautiful and powerful example of reining in your opinion!

God-Powered Home: A Christian Woman's Guide said...

It had never occured to me that this was what scripture might have meant when ir instructs us to regard others more highly than ourselves.

Unknown said...

Now that's a thought!

God-Powered Home: A Christian Woman's Guide said...

Jusst an update: As of today, all signs suggest that my husband was right in his approach and relationships have been strenghtened. I am now truly humbled and grateful that I did not allow my arrogance to hinder his progress.