Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Apology

The Apology
"Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift. Matthew 5:23-24(NIV)
I am learning to apologize. This is not such a simple matter. There are two sides to forgiveness: giving it and asking for it. Turns out neither is easy or comes naturally. And, the Word of God raises a high standard either way. Usually when we realize we have offended someone we begin to justify our words or actions. We search ourselves to see if we did anything wrong. Having cleared ourselves, we decide that other person, our friend, neighbor, or loved one, should not have been offended for we meant no harm.

If we didn’t do anything wrong then we have no responsibility for our victim’s condition. They are too sensitive and should develop a tougher hide. No one else would have reacted so irrationally to such a small event. Why all the fuss? And, anyway, they have done this or that to us many times.

If we offer an apology with this attitude it is not likely to be effective. One of the worst and most used of all apologies is the If I apology. It goes “I am sorry if I offended you” instead of “I’m sorry that I offended you.” The latter accepts responsibility; the former suggests the victim has some mental or perceptual defect. It is difficult for us to see how we are accountable for our victim.. But, they are wounded! Often our anger and hurt rises to meet theirs and there is stony silence between us.

And yet - the scripture above places the responsibility upon us. It seems that, offender or offended, we cannot escape responsibility. Each is required to forgive; each is required to seek forgiveness.

What is actually needed for a proper apology is a change of heart. If my loved one, brother, or neighbor is offended or hurt, it’s not about me. Would I be so cavalier if someone else had wounded or hurt him? Well, now I am the culprit. And the victim is not me but someone I love, or am called to love. So, I must apologize and ask forgiveness. It is really all I can do about the pain he is suffering.

I came across an all-purpose apology in a small book in a greeting card store. In essence it said:
I am sorry that I said ______or did ______ that offended you today.
(Always name the offense, if you know it.)
Please forgive me. I love you and I never want to hurt you.

That is simple enough for even me to understand.

©Tina Green 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

True Love

A Real Valentine

A couples group was asked to read several versions of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. The versions used were NIV, KJ, NKJ, AMPL, TLB, New English, and The Message. The group was asked to list what a true lover will do and what a true lover will not do. When the project was completed couples were asked to insert their loved one’s name and read it to their partner. This is their finished product.

Because I love you, ________, I will never give up on you. I will not envy you or become jealous of you. I will not boast about what I have done for you. I will not be proud or haughty. I will not try to draw attention to myself at your expense. I will not be conceited, arrogant, prideful, or rude. It will not always be “Me, first”. I will not insist on my rights or on having my own way. I will not be self-seeking. I will not be touchy, resentful, or fretful. I will not recount evil you have committed against me. I will not hold grudges or keep track of the wrongs I have suffered. I will not become easily angered or frustrated. I will not want more from you than you can give. I will not force my wishes upon you.

Because I love you, _______, I will be patient with you and kind to you. I will rejoice in the truth about you. I will protect you and trust you. I will always be hopeful about you and my hope will endure under all circumstances. I will persevere. I will endure and bear up under anything and everything that comes our way without weakening. I will ever be ready to believe the best about you. You can trust me. I will always want what is best for you. My love will never fade or become obsolete. My love for you will never end.

How about sending (or reading) this to your loved one on Valentines Day?

©Tina Green 2/2008