Friday, April 29, 2011

Just for Me

After years of negative input, much of it from our own internal voices, it is difficult for some of us to believe that we have any value in God’s sight. In case I might forget I get reminded once a month.

This happened the first time soon after I gave my life to Christ. I was seated in a darkened corner of the sanctuary one Sunday morning. The elements for communion had been passed out and the congregation was praying over them quietly. As I held the bread and grape juice in my hands I prayed a prayer of Thanksgiving that the Lord had rescued us sinners from the world’s view of our existence. A small, firm voice whispered into my spirit, saying, “I would have done it if you had been the only one.” I sat there for a moment not fully comprehending. The voice spoke again. “I would have died if you had been the only one.” At that moment I was overwhelmed by a sense of peace and love, too wonderful to express or understand. Tears of joy ran down my face and for the first time in my life I felt fully loved and accepted, just as I was.

My worth is no longer in question. Each time I hold the communion elements in my hands my heart is blessed. I am reminded, “He did not just die, he did it for me!”

©Tina Green, 2007

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Time to Get Serious I

Time to Get Serious (Pt.1)

It is time for Christian women to get serious about marriage. We need to stop playing the “I will if he will” game and seriously take on the tasks God has placed in our hands. As the world plans its future assaults on marriage, we Christian wives cannot focus solely on what makes us feel better and what makes our lives easier.

As Christians who are married we will have to begin defending marriage and demonstrating its purpose in the Kingdom so that others may see it. Being married is part of our witness, part of our evangelism, part of our discipleship to others. Staying married, not divorcing, in some legalistic conformance to biblical law will not be enough to convince a world that hates biblical marriage.

We must get serious while there is time.