Friday, July 5, 2013

Are You Sure?

Ladies, Are You Sure?

Oh my!  I can get into a lot of trouble broaching this subject, but I am going to try it anyway.  With all of the efforts in American society to prove that there are no significant differences between the sexes I would like to report two observations for your consideration. 

(1)On the day Rep. Gabby Giffords was shot a man was killed by the gunman as he sheltered his wife between his body and a wall.  She, too, was wounded, but survived.

(2)As the tornado approached Oklahoma City last month a man pushed his wife into their bathtub and covered her with his own body.  He was later found injured, but alive in their front yard.  His wife escaped unharmed.

In these moments of split-second decisions do you think anyone took time to consider the issue of gender equality?  Or was something else at work?  

Are men conditioned or designed to be protectors?  Either way, are you sure we should be messing with this?  Are you willing to allow your husband to protect you if that is the way he is inclined?  Suppose it feels inconvenient or stifling or controlling?  I will leave it to you to determine your course.  As for me, I intend to cooperate with it just in case that was God’s plan from the beginning.

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