Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Who Giveth This Woman?

Who Giveth This Woman?

Change is interesting to observe.  Change is one way of seeking to solve a perceived problem.  Since sustaining a healthy marriage is perceived to be a problem, some assume that the more we change or discard  symbols of traditional marriage the better off we will be.  Traditional vows are giving way to "personal" vows, composed by the couple.  The "giving of the Bride" is no longer prominent in many modern weddings.  But Scripture insists upon dragging us back to those symbols so that we can understand the position and standing of the bride and groom, and thereby understand our relationship to our Heavenly Father.
At the moment of Christ’s death, we are told, the curtain of the temple was torn apart.  This curtain, or veil, which had hidden the Holy of Holies from all but the highest priests, was now parted, granting full access to this sacred place. The beneficiary of this privilege is the Church for which Christ gave his life. 
The Church, Christ's bride, was given to Jesus by his Father but he could not claim her, have full access to her until he suffered and died.  Likewise the bride is given to the groom by her father which is signified by the lifting of her veil, granting him all access to her. But with the understanding that he is expected to suffer and die for her sake.  She on the other hand has only to submit and serve to receive all that he has to offer her. She has been given into his care.
Without being taught about the marriage in this way we cannot understand the intimacy of either our marital relationship or our relationship with Christ.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great reminder of how marriage ought to be.